Dating a bromance boy The Dangers of Dating a Bromance Boy FDating

Dating a bromance boy
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 The best cover-up
Of all the men you’d expect to be dangerous, this one has the best cover-up. He seems innocent, someone you could bring home to mom and dad who certainly isn’t a bad boy. So what could go wrong?

Enter: his best friend. This is not your average friendship. It’s almost as if their Facebook relationship statuses should read, “In a relationship with my BFF.” This guy appears to be single in that he doesn’t have a girl by his side, but he’s unavailable because his man friend is never far away.

At first you might think, “Aw, it’s cute that he’s so close with his friend. That means he has the capability to build a long, healthy relationship with me!”

Not so fast.

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 Heading down the tubes
Here are some signs your relationship with Bromance Boy is eventually heading down the tubes:

He Can’t Spend Time With You Without His BFF Being in the Same Building
If your “dates” are always at his house (and his bro is his roommate) or even if he brings his friend along wherever you go, it’s not good. You may plead for time alone with him and it may happen, but his bro will always be right outside the room you’re occupying. Ok, so maybe not that close, but he’ll always be at most a phone call away.

He Spends Much More Time with His BFF than He Does with You
If a man loves you, he’ll want to spend much of his time with you. Well, if he’s in a bromance, he doesn’t love you, and therefore won’t spend much time with you. How can he love you when he’s in love with his main man? They eat together, go grocery shopping together, drive everywhere together, go on vacations together….is there anything they don’t do together? Where does this leave you? I don’t know, maybe for his nights when he needs a booty call or when his bro is seeing a girl. That’s another thing, if his friend is seeing or dating someone, he will need to do the same. But if his bro is single…that means he will likely stay single as well. It would throw their bromance off balance if one was dating someone and the other wasn’t. It’d almost be like one was cheating on the other and they would never allow that.

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 The kiss of death
He Needs His Bro’s Approval
This is the kiss of death for your relationship if he happens not to like you for some reason. When his friend likes you, your relationship is safe, but when his bro begins to change his mind, it’s a whole other ball game and Youuuuuu’rrrreeeee ouutttttt!!

Yep, it’s that easy, and being that it is this easy for a man to throw you away means the relationship isn’t worth it. If your relationship is always teetering on whether your boyfriend’s friend likes you, you definitely deserve better and need to get out fast. You need your man’s full attention, not the 10% Bromance Boy gives you. Once you discover these red flags in your otherwise innocent relationship, run!! He’s not really in a relationship with you. You’re only there to prove your guy isn’t gay and/or to balance out his bro’s romantic relationship. His main boy will always be his bro and you will never win that battle (why would you want to anyway?). Move on and date other people, you will be much happier in the end.

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